Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hints of Spring

Snowmelt filling the marsh between DC and Waukee.
DALLAS CENTER, IOWA - Finally, temperatures this week managed to get into the upper fifties on Friday.  With the switch to daylight savings time a week ago, it should make it easier to hit the trail and start getting some more time in the saddle!  On a quick ride between Waukee and Dallas Center on the RRVT today, I encountered about a dozen other cyclists out enjoying the balmy weather.  Looks like the weather is going to turn crummy later in the weekend, so today was probably the "choice" day to get out and enjoy the trail.
     Spring is getting closer.  Saw the first red wing blackbirds of the season along the trail today, and also heard a meadowlark.  Typically when those avian species start to show up, it's a pretty good sign that warmer weather is just around the bend and here to stay.  Also saw a few ducks, several hawks, and a lot of robins which is also a good sign.
     Lots of rides and activities are starting to show up on the calendar for the upcoming riding season.  Looking forward to the many opportunities to enjoy some organized rides around central Iowa this coming year!

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