Sunday, April 28, 2013

Glorious Saturday

WAUKEE, IOWA - This Saturday was one of those types of days where we just wanted to stay outside as much as possible and soak up the warm sunshine, feel the gentle breeze, and enjoy the aroma of springtime around us.  Besides getting a fair amount of yard work done, there was also some time spent cycling on the Raccoon River Valley Trail and around the great trail system in the City of Waukee as well as a visit to Big Creek State Park again to spend some time paddling on the open water.  It sounds like we have a couple more days of this nice, mild weather until later in the week when highs only in the 40's (!) are predicted.  Farmers are pushing hard trying to get anhydrous applied, wrap up tillage, and some have even started to plant corn while there was a window to get some field work done before the next system moves in.
     The calendar is starting to fill up with several rides in and around Central Iowa....just about every weekend there is something going on around the area.  Bike Month begins this coming week with several activities planned.  Locally the City of Perry has several activities coming up including the Hiawatha Classic which I hope to participate in again this year.  Also preparations are well underway for a couple of big cycling events locally - the grand opening of the North Loop of the Raccoon River Valley Trail on June 1st, as well as RAGBRAI's trip across Central Dallas County in July.  Looking forward to both of these activities and many others for both the cycling and paddling enthusiasts here in Central Iowa!

We encountered this little guy basking in the sunshine himself on the trail this morning.

A peaceful moment on Big Creek this afternoon.

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