Saturday, April 20, 2013

Trail Cleanup!

DALLAS CENTER, IOWA - We have been water logged the last week or so all throughout the area (what a difference a year makes!) but the weather finally "broke" this weekend and treated us to some gorgeous sunshine, light winds and a great day for some trail maintenance along the RRVT in Dallas Center.
     Since biking the newly opened segment of the RRVT running north out of Dallas Center, I have been bothered with the amount of litter and junk that had accumulated along the former railroad right-of-way.  So this past weekend, with the help of the city we organized a small group of volunteers to clean up that stretch of trail and try to make it more presentable to folks coming through town.
     After only two hours of work, we were able to scour both sides of the trail and fill up a pickup load full of debris to take to the dump.  Paper, cardboard, metal, glass, plastic and just about anything else you can imagine was picked up.  Thanks to the efforts of these volunteers, that stretch of trail looks much more pristine as you come through town.

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